


Have you just invested in new UPVC doors ? Maybe you already have them and you just need the best advice on maintaining them!

Cleaning your PVC doors is a relatively simple task, and it can help maintain their appearance and longevity for many years.

Here's a step-by-step guide below on how to clean PVC doors effectively.

Let's Dive In Below

How To Clean Door & Frame ?

Preparation: Firsly start by wiping down your PVC door from top to bottom with a soapy wet sponge or old rag.

This will remove any loose dirt, mold or cobwebs and leave the door looking spick and span.

Once the external PVC door has been cleaned to your satisfaction, its time to rinse off the excess soap with fresh water.

Take a clean non soapy cloth and gently wipe away any excess soap suds.

Be sure to dry the door off as you will see any bits that may need extra elbow grease.

Next its time to clean the inside of our PVC door frame, I always recommend starting at the very top of the door frame, as seen below.

From the top start working your way along the inside of the door frame to the sides in a downward motion.

This will stop dirt moving about the frame and the same areas needing wiped down more than once.

If you're on the short side in height you may need to use a sturdy chair to stand on, or ideally a 2 step ladder.

Once this has been completed bring out a hoover and begin sucking up debris inside the frame, if you have wiped from top to bottom gravity should have made any excess dirt fall to the ground.

If you don't have a hoover you can use damp kitchen roll to wipe inside the frame and soak up any debris and dirt from the inner runner at the bottom of the door frame.

Don't forget to check and wipe down the locking mechanisms inside the door, this is where most problems occur with PVC doors.

Some simple cleaning and a quick spray of WD40 works wonders in preventing future problems, this will keep your locks working smoothly!

Door Handles & Letterbox

Cleaning the door handles on a regular basis with antibacterial spray makes for good hygiene practice, if your PVC door handle or letterbox suffers from stains you may use lemon mixed in with baking soda.

This mix proves to be extremely effective at restoring door handles to their former glory.

Cleaning The Glass

During the cleaning process the outside of the door and glass was cleaned with soap and water.

I always use a microfibre cloth and some over the counter glass cleaner at the end

This gives your door glass that extra sparkle internally & externally, which makes all the difference.

Additional Tips

PVC Doors should be cleaned at least 2 times a year fully as described above.

If you plan on using any other type of cleaner apart from soap and water and aren't to sure you can always try a smaller amount on a test area.

But, Avoid using abrasive cleaners, harsh chemicals, or abrasive pads, as they can scratch or damage the PVC surface.

If you notice any mold or mildew on the door, you can add a small amount of white vinegar to your cleaning solution. Vinegar helps remove and prevent mold and mildew growth.

Need a new door? We supply a large range of PVC Doors in Belfast & beyond Let's talk...

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